

As some of you may have read, I've written on my profile page that I love to design
dresses, and that I wanted to share some of my work. - I can almost say that designing 
dresses is my passion at this point. So this is just a brief look on a floral collection which I started 
working on while waiting on my plane to Paris. I have of course several pages from the collection.

Another thing is; of course when you're unknown and unseen as a designer your so 
vulnerable when exposing your work to the public and on the internet, therefore is
posting your personal work/ideas on the internet kind of risky, 
because you'll never know if anyone copies it, and might steal your idea, your concept,
and that's no fun. And the worst thing possible is, that they can end up being the one getting credit 
for it. That's why I'll only give a little peek of my ideas, and not a bunch of detailed drawings. 
- I hope most understand.


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An 18 old brunette from Norway. I am calling this blog the portal to my dreams, artwork and inspirations. Welcome to my world, my journey starts here. Art.Film.Nature.Dreams.Fashion+Art.Draw.Taking photographs.Travel.People.Personal Style.Music.Japan.Watch movies.


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